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Is The New School Year Off To A Bang? A Comprehensive Guide To Setting Routines with Your Littles!

Sep 16

10 min read




As the new school year takes off with the beginning of Fall, many parents find themselves navigating the transition back to a structured routine. 🏫⏳  This can be particularly challenging for young children, who thrive on consistency and predictability. Establishing healthy habits during this time is an important part of their emotional and physical well-being.🥰💪 Here’s a comprehensive guide to help parents ease their children back into the school routine, with tailored suggestions for each age group. Every child and family is unique and what works for some many not work for others. Our hope is to include methods that can be tailored to fit your families individual needs and to learn from our readers what worked best for them. ✅👪

Ages 2-3: Establishing a Foundation

Create a Consistent Schedule:

At this age, children benefit from a predictable daily routine. Start by setting regular wake-up and bedtime hours. 🌞🌛Gradually adjust their sleep schedule a week or two before school starts to ensure they are well-rested.😌

Introduce School-Related Activities:

Engage your toddler in play that mimics school activities. Simple games like “pretend school” can help them understand what to expect. Use toys to create a classroom environment at home. Incorporating play-based learning with a play kitchen or store front, or by creating “centres” or “stations” with different activities for your child to try, like they would in a typical classroom setting. Including stations with activities like stencil drawing, lego, painting or train track building, can prepare them for the many transitions that take place in a classroom.🎒📚

Healthy Eating Habits:

Introduce a variety of healthy foods into their diet. Make mealtime a family affair, encouraging them to try new fruits and vegetables. Involve them in the process from picking the vegetables at the grocery, to choosing what meal the vegetables are used in and how its prepared.🥕🧑‍🍳🍲 Involving your children in the process will help encourage a connection to healthy options. Establish regular meal and snack times to promote a sense of stability.🥪⏰

Ages 4-5: Building Independence

Encourage Self-Help Skills:

Encouraging self-help skills in preschoolers will encourage the development of their independence and prepare them for school responsibilities. By teaching them to dress themselves, pack their backpacks, and manage simple tasks, you are equipping them with essential life skills that will serve them well throughout their educational journey and beyond.🎒👕👖👟 Remember, patience and encouragement are key; every small success builds their confidence and sets the foundation for a more independent and self sufficient future.🚀✨🙏

Reading Routine:

Establish a daily reading time. ⏰ 📖 Whether your child’s favourite spot to read is a big comfy chair, or in their bed, make the experience of setting a routine more engaging 🛋️ Choose age-appropriate books that spark their interest. A cozy spot with their favourite books can make all the difference in sticking to the routine. This not only enhances literacy your child’s literacy skills but can also be incorporated into a calming bedtime routine. 🌜📚🛌

Social Interaction:

Arranging playdates and group activities with children in the same age group as your child is an effective way to help your little one develop essential social skills. 🫶 By emphasizing the importance of sharing and taking turns, you are preparing them for the collaborative environment they will encounter in school. ⛹️🧸🛝Through guided interactions, modeling positive behaviour, and addressing conflicts, you can foster a strong foundation for your child’s social development, ensuring they feel confident and capable as they navigate their educational journey.💯😊👍

Ages 6-7: Fostering Responsibility

Homework Habits:

By introducing a designated homework time and space, encouraging small, achievable goals, and using a visual schedule, you’re setting the stage for a positive and productive homework experience. Remember, the goal is to make learning enjoyable and empowering! 🤩 A favourite, healthy after-school snack can help fuel your child and be a fun part of the process. 🥝🥪 With your support and enthusiasm, your child will not only tackle their assignments with confidence but could also develop a lifelong love for learning. 🌟📚

Physical Activity:

Encouraging regular physical activity through organized sports, outdoor play, and family activities is a wonderful way to promote your child’s physical and mental well-being.⚽🛝🚴 Exercise increases blood flow to the brain, enhancing cognitive function and memory. 🧠 🧘🏿‍♂️By incorporating movement into their daily routine, you’re setting your child up for success in the classroom and instilling   healthy habits that can last a lifetime. 💪😌 All children are different and it may take a few trial and errors to find what type of physical movement your little one  really enjoys.

Healthy Sleep Hygiene:

A good night’s sleep is essential for children’s overall health, development, and well-being. It plays a crucial role in their physical growth, cognitive function, and  emotional regulation.🌱🧠❤️‍🩹 As parents, reinforcing the importance of sleep and establishing a calming bedtime routine can help your child develop healthy sleep habits that will benefit them for years to come.🌜🥱 😴

Sleep plays a significant role in emotional regulation. Lack of sleep can lead to irritability, mood swings, and difficulty managing stress. 😮‍💨🫣😠By ensuring your child gets enough rest, you’re helping them maintain a positive mood and emotional balance.😌💯

Establishing a consistent bedtime helps regulate your child’s internal clock. Aim for the same bedtime every night, even on weekends, to create a predictable sleep schedule. This consistency signals to their body that it’s time to wind down and prepare for sleep.🥱🛌

Incorporate calming activities into your child’s bedtime routine to help them transition from the busyness of the day to a peaceful night’s sleep. 

Reading is a wonderful way to bond with your child while also promoting relaxation. Choose calming stories or fairy tales that capture their imagination without being overly stimulating. Encourage them to pick their favourite books, and take turns reading aloud. This not only fosters a love for reading but also creates a cozy atmosphere.📚✨

Soft, soothing music can create a calm environment that encourages relaxation. Create a playlist of gentle lullabies or nature sounds that your child enjoys. You can play this music softly in the background as part of their winding down routine, helping to set a peaceful mood.

Remember, consistency is key, and with your support your little one can reap the benefits of a healthy sleep schedule🌙🎶✨📖🥱🛌

Ages 8-10: Promoting Autonomy

Time Management Skills:

Time management is a crucial skill that can significantly impact your child's academic success and overall well-being.⏰ By teaching your child how to effectively manage their time, you are equipping them with tools that will benefit them throughout their education and into adulthood. Here’s how you can help your child develop these essential skills using planners, digital calendars, and effective prioritization techniques.🗓️📗🤳

Utilizing Planners and Digital Calendars:

Choosing the Right Tool:

Start by introducing your child to planners or digital calendars that suit their age and preferences. For younger children, a physical planner with colorful designs and spaces for stickers can make planning fun. Older children may prefer digital calendars on tablets or smartphones, which can send reminders and alerts.📱🔔

Setting Up the Planner:

Help your child set up their planner or digital calendar by marking important dates, such as school events,💃 project deadlines, and homework due dates. 📅 Encourage them to personalize their planner with colours or stickers to make it visually appealing and engaging.

Daily and Weekly Planning:

Teach your child to review their planner daily and weekly. Encourage them to set aside a specific time each day to check what tasks are due and plan their schedule accordingly. This practice helps them develop a routine and reinforces the habit of checking their commitments regularly.📝🤳🏿

Teaching Prioritization of Tasks:

Understanding Priorities:

Help your child understand the difference between urgent and important tasks. Teach them to categorize their assignments based on deadlines and the amount of work required. For example, a project due tomorrow is urgent, while studying for a test next week is important but not immediately urgent.❗📝✅

Setting Realistic Goals:

Encourage your child to set realistic, achievable goals for each study session or homework period. Breaking larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps can make them feel less overwhelming and help your child stay focused.⏲️☑️

Sticking to Deadlines:

Creating a Homework Schedule:

Work with your child to create a homework schedule that allocates specific times for each subject or task. This schedule should include buffer time for unexpected delays or challenges. Encourage them to stick to this schedule as closely as possible to develop a sense of discipline.🗓️⏰

Using Reminders and Alerts:

If your child is using a digital calendar, show them how to set reminders for upcoming deadlines. This can be particularly helpful for keeping track of multiple assignments and ensuring nothing falls through the cracks.📳🚨

Celebrating Achievements:

Celebrate your child’s successes in meeting deadlines and managing their time effectively. Positive reinforcement can motivate them to continue developing these skills. A sticker chart is a great way to do this. Once they hit a certain amount of stickers reward them with a prize 🥳🎉

The New FrameBright Kids app coming soon will have chores and routines that make it fun and easy for your child to get rewarded for staying on top of their chores and routines! Join our waitlist today to get early access when we launch!

Collaboration with Teachers

Open Communication:

Encourage your child to communicate openly with their teachers about their workload and any challenges they may face in managing their time. Teachers can provide valuable insights and support, helping your child stay on track.⏰💯

Regular Check-Ins:

Schedule regular check-ins with your child’s teacher to discuss their progress and any areas where they may need additional support. This collaboration ensures that your child receives consistent guidance and encouragement from both home and school. ☎️💻

Utilizing Teacher Resources:

Many teachers provide resources, such as assignment calendars or online platforms, to help students manage their tasks. Encourage your child to utilize these resources and integrate them into their planning process. 📓🖥️

By helping your child develop time management skills through the use of planners or digital calendars, teaching them to prioritize tasks, and collaborating with their teachers, you are setting them up for success in the classroom and beyond. These skills not only enhance academic performance but also foster independence and confidence in managing responsibilities. With your support and guidance, your child will learn to navigate their time effectively, paving the way for a successful and balanced life.💯🗒️⏲️

Understanding the Importance of Nutrition & Exersize

Nutrition and exercise are fundamental components of a healthy lifestyle, significantly impacting physical health, mental well-being, and overall quality of life. By instilling the importance of these elements in your child from an early age, you are setting the foundation for lifelong healthy habits. Here’s how you can effectively discuss nutrition and exercise with your child, involve them in meal planning and preparation, and incorporate family activities that promote fitness.🥗🏃

Fueling the Body:

Explain to your child that nutrition is essential for providing the energy their bodies need to grow, learn, and play. Discuss how different foods serve as fuel, much like gasoline for a car. Emphasize the importance of a balanced diet that includes a variety of food groups—fruits, vegetables, whole grains, proteins, and healthy fats.🥑🍖🌾🧀🍉

Impact on Health:

Discuss how good nutrition supports overall health, including a strong immune system, healthy growth, and development. Explain how certain foods can help prevent illnesses and contribute to better concentration and mood. Use age-appropriate language and examples to make these concepts relatable.😷🦠💪😊

Making Informed Choices:

Encourage your child to learn about nutrition labels and understand what constitutes a healthy choice. Teach them to recognize whole foods versus processed foods and the benefits of choosing fresh, nutrient-dense options. This knowledge empowers them to make informed decisions about what they eat.🥕🧺🍎🧑‍🌾

Involving Them in Meal Planning and Preparation:

Collaborative Meal Planning:

Involve your child in the meal planning process by discussing the week’s meals together. Encourage them to suggest healthy recipes or ingredients they enjoy. This not only makes them feel included but also teaches them about variety and balance in their diet.🍲🥙🍠🍜

Grocery Shopping Together

Take your child grocery shopping and explain how to choose fresh produce, whole grains, and lean proteins. Teach them to read labels and compare products, emphasizing the importance of making healthy choices. This hands-on experience reinforces their understanding of nutrition. 🛒🫛🍅🫘

Cooking as a Family:

Involve your child in the cooking process by assigning them age-appropriate tasks, such as washing vegetables, measuring ingredients, or stirring mixtures. Cooking together can be a fun bonding experience and allows them to learn valuable skills while understanding how to prepare healthy meals.🍳🥣🥕🔪

Experimenting with Recipes:

Encourage your child to experiment with new recipes or modify existing ones to make them healthier. This could include substituting ingredients for healthier options, such as using whole grain pasta instead of white pasta or adding more vegetables to a dish. This fosters creativity and a sense of ownership over their food choices. 🥙😋

Need some back to school lunch ideas? Read our "Back to School: What to pack for lunch" blog, featuring healthy, easy lunch ideas!

Discussing the Benefits of Exercise:

Talk to your child about the numerous benefits of regular physical activity, including improved mood, increased energy levels, better sleep, and enhanced focus. Explain how exercise helps build strong muscles and bones and supports overall health. 💪🏋️🥰

Family Fitness Activities:

Consider incorporating family activities that promote fitness into your routine. Here are some ideas:

Biking: 🚴Plan family bike rides in local parks or along scenic trails. This is a fun way to explore the outdoors while getting exercise.

Hiking: 🥾Organize family hikes on weekends, choosing trails that are suitable for your child’s age and fitness level. Hiking not only promotes physical activity but also allows for quality family time in nature.

Active Games:⚽ Engage in active games such as tag, frisbee, or soccer in your backyard or at a local park. These activities can be enjoyable and help your child associate exercise with fun.

Dance Parties: 💃Host family dance parties at home where everyone can let loose and enjoy music together. Dancing is a great way to get moving while having fun.

Setting Fitness Goals Together:

Encourage your child to set personal fitness goals, such as participating in a fun run or learning a new sport. Support them in tracking their progress and celebrating their achievements, no matter how small. This helps instill a sense of accomplishment and motivates them to stay active.🏅🚵🏿‍♀️

Discussing the importance of nutrition and exercise with your child, involving them in meal planning and preparation, and engaging in family fitness activities are powerful ways to promote a healthy lifestyle. 🥦⛹️By fostering an understanding of nutrition and encouraging regular physical activity, you are equipping your child with the knowledge and skills they need to make healthy choices throughout their lives. Together, you can create a supportive environment that values health and well-being, setting the stage for a happier, healthier future.😌🚵🏿‍♀️🍲

Transitioning back to school can be a smooth process with the right strategies in place. By establishing routines and promoting healthy habits tailored to your child’s age, you can help them feel secure and prepared for the school year ahead. Remember, consistency is key, and your support will make a significant difference in their adjustment. Embrace this opportunity to bond with your child and set them up for success in their educational journey. 🎒🥪📚📝✨🚀

Sep 16

10 min read





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